
K40 mine energy-saving ventilation

The ventilators specifically based metallurgy, nonferrous metals, gold, chemicals, building materials and other types of non-coal mines nuclear industry needs and design, can be used as the main fan and auxiliary fan can be installed on the surface, can also be installed in the underground, suitable for multi-joint operation fan
1, using twisted airfoil blades, pneumatic, high efficiency, energy-saving effect is extremely significant.
2, the performance and specifications complete, resistance to air flow with various types of ventilation network good match, you can maintain long-term efficient operation.
3, has a steady flow loop device characteristic curve no hump, no surge danger at any resistance state are safe and stable operation, and is suitable for multi-turbine combined operation.
4, the use of the motor and impeller directly linked structure, the overall stable, easy installation, easy maintenance, low resistance device Bureau.
5, compact structure, good moisture resistance. Fans main use of steel, structural steel welding, material for the steel blade, hollow, blade and machine high strength, anti-mine blast shockwave ability, can be mounted on the surface, also suitable for installation in underground, particularly suitable as a multi-level machine station ventilation system stations fan.
6, can reverse the anti-air, anti-air ratio greater than 60%, no anti-duct construction.
7, the blade angle adjustable, according to changes in mine production, at any time adjust the fan status.
8, civil works is very small, you can save a lot of investments.
9, the noise is low.

model rotate speedr/min wind volume m3/s full pressurePa power(kW)
7 980 2.0
4.3 38174 1.1
8 1450 4.4
9.5 108497 5.5
 980 3.0
6.4 49227 2.2
9 1450 6.2
13.5 136629 11
 980 4.2
9.1 62287 3
10 1450 8.5
18.6 168776 15
 980 5.8
12.5 77355 5.5
11 1450 11.3
24.7 2039390 30
 980 7.7
16.7 93429 7.5
 730 5.7
12.4 52238 4
12 1450 14.7
32.1 2421118 37
 980 9.9
21.7 111510 15
 730 7.4
16.1 61283 5.5
13 1450 18.7
40.8 2841312 55
 980 12.6
27.5 130599 18.5
 730 9.4
20.5 72332 7.5
14 1450 23.4
50.9 3291521 90
 980 15.8
34.4 150695 30
 730 11.8
25.6 84386 11
15 1450 28.7
62.6 3781746 110
 980 19.4
42.3 173798 37
 730 14.5
31.5 96443 15
16 980 23.6
51.4 197908 55
 730 17.6
38.3 109504 22
17 980 28.3
61.6 222908 75
 730 21.1
45.9 123568 30
18 980 33.6
73.1 2491149 90
 730 25.0
54.5 138637 37
19 980 39.5
86.0 2771280 110
 730 29.4
64.1 154710 55
20 980 46.0
100.3 3071418 160
 730 34.3
74.7 170787 75
21 980 53.3
116.1 3391563 200
 730 39.7
86.5 188867 90
22 980 61.3
113.4 3721716 250
 730 45.7
99.4 206952 110
23 730 52.2
113.6 2251041 132
24 730 59.3
129.1 2451133 160
25 730 67.0
146 2661229 200
26 730 75.4
164.2 2881330 250

