One-way lockFDD200/40main application
In the hydraulic system, engineering
often will control the oil of one
actuator. The actuator stops at any
position, be reliable locking action, so as to
avoid displacement may occur under the effects of various
One-way lockFDD200/40technology parameter
Nominal flow rate: nominal pressure
200l/min: 40MPa working
medium:emulsion interface path: Phi 16
One-way lockFDD200/40product instruction
Device FDD200/40 one-way lock branch road system
or the working chamber of the liquid inlet and
outlet, and pressure of the liquid on the
system or the working chamber of the realization of a
one-way closed,opened under pressure; parts after cleaning assembly, internal
impurities of products than 10mg products after
assembly, moving aflexible operation, no blocking
phenomenon, the machine does notdue to mechanical damage;
Product storage and
transportation should be rustproof dustproof measures;
Product manufacturing and acceptance
by the implementation of the mt419-1995 standard.
One-way lock comprises a valve
body, opened in the valve chamber of
the valve body, spool, spool, valve seat is
provided in the valvecavity of the return spring, and
the valve body and valve seatarranged on one side of the
liquid inlet valve cavity and the valve coreand valve
cavity on one side of the liquid outlet; the valve
cavity.Cavity through the valve body, sealing the
valve cavity left port screwis connected with the
end cover, the valve return spring is arranged on
the end cover hole cavity; the valve seat is embedded
in the valve seat sleeve; the valve seat valve
cavity is provided with a side sealing and sliding push
rod, the push rod extends to the
seat sleeve, in the top rod is sheathed on the push
rod return spring; port valve cavityright through
the screw plug seal; in
the thread plug valve cavity andpush
rods and open control liquid inlet and outlet on
the valve controlis.
One-way lock scope
①The hydraulic
system of practical road and
branch road valve head to31.5MPA, emulsified
liquid medium containing 5% emulsion and 95%
neutral water mixed, can work normally at 10 ℃ --50 ℃, media need tokeep
clean, free of impurities. The filter
and magnetic filtration devices to filter the precision of
②The valve
in the underground as the need
for maintenance,replacement should be whole, not to
be overhauled in the underground, in order to prevent dirt
into the valve cavity.