
PRC series Level Man Car

Product Introduction
PRCseries level man car is suitable for the roadway that gradient is less than 5‰, which is driven by electric locomotive traction, smooth, safe and comfortable. The man car not only run, but also group columns running, which are fast, safe and convenient.
PRC series level man car is the safety personnel transportation equipment of all kinds of mining level roadway. The level lane mancar is equipped with spring buffers in the traction devices, front and rear ends and running gear, which can ensure the man car running smoothly.
Model significance
Take PRC12-6/3 For Example
R C——man car
12——seating capacity
Application Notice
Operation and maintenance is very important for ensuring the safety of personnel. The personnel should obey the driver signal command: do not stand in the car, do not get out to pick something up, do not take off the miner's lamp caps, do not sit for miner's lamp box and self-rescuer, do not crowded and etc.
Technical Parameters
PRCmodel    PRC6      PRC12     PRC18
seating capacity                   6           12          18
Max SpeedM/S              3            3            3
tractive forceKN           30          30           30
Horizontal curve radiusm m          8            8            8
gaugem                   0.6         0.6          0.762/0.900
Haule heightm              0.380      0.380       0.380
lengthm                       3.100      4.280       4.280
widthm                       1.020      1.020       1.300

heightm                       1.580      1.552       1.552

